Upgrade PostgreSQL extensions


Upgrade PostgreSQL extensions from commandline arguments. The argument format is NAME=VERSION. The PostgreSQL version is detected from pg_config if it exists, or can be specified with the —pg flag.

pgxman upgrade [flags]


  # Upgrade the latest pgvector for the installed PostgreSQL.
  # PostgreSQL version is detected from pg_config if it exists,
  # Otherwise, the latest supported PostgreSQL version is used.
  pgxman upgrade pgvector

  # Upgrade the latest pgvector for PostgreSQL 15
  pgxman upgrade pgvector --pg 15

  # Upgrade pgvector 0.5.0 for PostgreSQL 15
  pgxman upgrade pgvector=0.5.0 --pg 15

  # Upgrade pgvector 0.5.0 for PostgreSQL 15 with sudo
  pgxman upgrade pgvector=0.5.0 --pg 15 --sudo

  # Upgrade pgvector 0.5.0 and postgis 3.3.3 for PostgreSQL 15
  pgxman upgrade pgvector=0.5.0 postgis=3.3.3 --pg 15

  # Upgrade from a local Debian package
  pgxman upgrade /PATH_TO/postgresql-15-pgxman-pgvector_0.5.0_arm64.deb


  -h, --help        help for upgrade
      --overwrite   Overwrite the existing extension if it is installed outside of pgxman.
      --pg string   Upgrade the extension for the PostgreSQL version. It detects the version by pg_config if it exists. Supported values are 13, 14, 15, 16.
  -y, --yes         Automatic yes to prompts and run install non-interactively.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug             enable debug logging
      --registry string   registry URL (default "https://registry.pgxman.com/v1")


  • pgxman - PostgreSQL Extension Manager