Build extension according to the configuration file

pgxman build [flags]


      --cache-from stringArray   External cache sources. The value is passed to docker buildx build --cache-from.
      --cache-to stringArray     Cache export destinations. The value is passed to docker buildx build --cache-to.
  -f, --file string              Path to the extension manifest file (default "extension.yaml")
  -h, --help                     help for build
      --no-cache                 Do not use cache when building the image. The value is passed to docker buildx build --no-cache.
      --parallel int             Number of parrallel builds to run (default 2)
  -s, --set stringToString       Override values in the extension.yaml file in the format of --set KEY=VALUE, e.g. --set version=1.0.0 --set arch=[amd64,arm64] --set pgVersions=[10,11,12] (default [])

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug             enable debug logging
      --registry string   registry URL (default "")


  • pgxman - PostgreSQL Extension Manager